Sunday 12 April 2020


                                                           2. Louis a mal
1st Group verbs: ER verbs - These are the verbs with last two letters as ER. They follow the same type of conjugation.
Examples:  1) tomber –to fall down
                      2) pleurer – to cry
                       3) raconteur – to recite
                       4) aimer – to like
                         5) adorer – to love
                         6) détester – to hate
                         7) danser – to dance
                          8) chanter – to sing
                           9) regarder –to see
                          10) penser – to think
                          11) écouter – to listen
There are many more. Above just a few examples. When written in above form they are called infinitives or original verbs.
Now following is called the conjugation of the verb. Here is an example.
                                         Regarder – to see
Je regarde – I see
Tu regardes – you see
Il regarde – he sees
Elle regarde – she sees
On regarde – everybody sees
Nous regardons – we see
Vous regardez – you see (plural, formal)
Ils regardent – they see
Elles regardent – they see (only fem subject)
                                     GER & CER VERBS
1. Till here it is the revision as we already had ER verbs in 6th class. There is a small group of GER verbs. So the last 3 letters we have to see.
e.g. 1) voyager –to travel
         2) manger – to eat
         3) nager – to swim
          4) ranger – to arrange
Note that in above verbs last three letters are GER. The conjugation of these verbs is same as ER verbs except for NOUS. Let us write it.
                                Voyager – to travel
Je voyage – I travel
Tu voyages – you travel
Il voyage – he travels
Elle voyage – she travels
On voyage – everybody travels
Nous voyageons – we travel
Vous voyagez – you travel
Ils voyagent –they travel
Elles voyagent – they travel
Look at the conjugation of nous. It is different than other ER verbs. At the end it has ‘eons and other ER verbs have just ‘ons’.
2. Another small group of verbs is CER verbs. They have last three letters as cer.
e.g. 1) commencer – to start
         2) avancer – to progress
         3) placer – to place
                          Avancer – to progress
J’avance – I progress
Tu avances – you progress
Il avance – he progresses
Elle avance – she progresses
On avance – everybody progresses
Nous avançons – we progress
Vous avancez – you progress
Ils avancent – they progress
Elles  avancent – they progress
Again look at the conjugation of Nous, it has ‘ç’ instead of ‘c’.
                                     Les adjectifs possessifs

Masc. Sing.noun
Fem.sing. noun
Masc/fem plural
e.g. mon cahier – my notebook
e.g. ma maison – my house
Mes cahiers –my notebooks
Mes maisons – my houses
Your (for tu/informal)
e.g. ton stylo – your pen
e.g. ta gomme – your eraser

e.g. tes stylos – your pens
tes gommes – your erasers
e.g. son pays – his/her country
e.g. sa sœur – his/her sister
e.g. ses pays – his/her countries
ses sœurs – his/her sisters
e.g. notre père – our father
e.g. notre voiture – our car
e.g. nos parents – our parents
nos voitures – our cars
Your (for vous/formal)
e.g. votre crayon – your pencil
e.g. votre école – your school
e.g. vos crayons – your pencils
vos écoles – your schools
e.g. leur livre – their book
e.g. leur chaise – their chair
e.g. leurs livres – their books
leurs chaises – their chairs

Les parties de visage- parts of the face
1)   une tête – head
2)   un front – forehead
3)   des cheveux – hair
4)   un sourcil – eyebrow
5)   un cil – eyelash
6)   un œil – eye (des yeux – eyes)
7)   une oreille – ear
8)   une joue – cheek
9)   un nez – nose
10)                      une dent –tooth
11)                      un menton – chin
12)                      une bouche – mouth
13)                      un visage – face
Les parties du corps – parts of the body
1)   un cou – neck
2)   un bras – limb
3)   un épaule – shoulder
4)   un dos – back
5)   une main – hand
6)   un doigt – finger
7)   une poitrine – chest
8)   un coude – elbow
9)   un ventre – stomach
10)          une jambe – leg
11)          un genou – knee
12)          un pied – foot
13)          in orteil –toe
Please learn all the spellings for the vocab. Also you need to learn the conjugations.

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