Thursday 11 September 2014


Class: 9 Month: June Worksheet Number: 09/Sci/06/01
Subject: Science-Biology Chapter: 06 - Tissues
Name: ____________________________________________
Section A: Exposition
Each question carries 1 mark:
1. What is a tissue?
2. What are the two main categories of plant tissue?
3. Define simple tissues
4. Define complex permanent tissue.
5. Name the types of simple tissues
6. Which tissue makes up the husk of coconut?
7. Where is apical meristem found?
8. What are the constituents of phloem?
9. Which type of simple tissue is used for making ropes?
Each question carries 2 marks:
10. State the functions of parenchyma.
11. What are the functions of stomata?
Each question carries 3 marks:
12. How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue? Name them.
13. How many types of elements are found in phloem? Write their functions.
Section B: Extended Exposition
Each question carries 1 mark:
14. What is the other name of dividing tissue in plants?
15. Name the cell which is attached to the lateral side of sieve tube.
Class: 9 Month: June Worksheet Number: 09/Sci/06/01
Subject: Science-Biology Chapter: 06 - Tissues
Each question carries 2 marks:
16. Water hyacinth floats on water surface. Explain.
17. What will happen if, apical meristem is damaged or cut?
18. What will happen if, cork is not formed in older stems and roots?
Section C: Interpretation & Reasoning
Each question carries 1 mark:
19. Name the simple permanent tissue which forms the basic packing tissue
20. Name the simple permanent tissue which provide flexibility in plants
21. Give one example of protective tissue in plants.
22. Name the complex tissue which helps in conduction of water and minerals.
23. Name the complex tissue which helps in conduction of food.
Each question carries 2 marks:
24. Differentiate between Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma.
25. How is meristematic tissue classified on the basis of its location?
26. Which structure protects the plants body against the invasion of parasites? Mention its other functions also.
27. How is outermost layer of cell in plants, adapted to perform its function effectively?
28. Branches of a tree are able to move and bend freely in high wind velocity. Why?
Section D: Problem Solving
Each question carries 2 marks:
29. In a temporary mount of a leaf epidermis we observe small pores.
(a) What are the pores present in leaf epidermis called?
(b) How are these pores beneficial to the plant?
30. If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar water vapours appear on its wall. Why?

3.Class: 9 Month: June Worksheet Number: 09/Sci/06/01
Subject: Science-Biology Chapter: 06 - Tissues
Each question carries 5 marks:

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