Saturday 13 September 2014


1. Substances that are ________________ in taste and change blue litmus _____________
are called _____________________ and substances that are bitter in taste and change
_________________ litmus ______________ are called _________________.

2. __________________ and ___________________ are the ions produced by acids and bases
when they dissociates in water respectively.

3, Bases that are ___________________ in water are called alkalis.

4. HCl is a strong acid whereas acetic acid is a weak acid because _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. The concentration of ______________ ion and ________________ ion per unit volume
decreases on mixing of an acid or base with water.

6. The process of dissolving an acid or base is a highly ______________ one. The acid must
always be slowly added to water with constant stirring. If water is added to conc. acid,

7. When Zn granules is added to the test tube containing dil HCl we observe:

8. The gas given out is hydrogen which can be tested by _____________________________________________________________________________________

9. Sodium carbonate /sodium bicarbonate + HCl → _______ gas

Characteristics of the gas:
Test for the gas:

10. NaOH(dil) + phenolphthalein→ ____________ colour
On adding dilute _________________ the pink colour gradually ___________________
because a __________________ reaction takes place .

11. Products of neutralization reaction is :

12.An indicator is a

13. Indictors help us to distinguish whether a substance is ____________ or ____________ .

14. Two types of indicator are ___________________ and _______________ .

15. Two synthetic indicators are __________________ and _________________ .

Complete the following table:
                                                             Acids                                  Bases                

(colourless)                                       ------                            ---------

Methyl Orange                                  ------------                  ------------

17. pH stands for potenz , meaning _______________ of __________ ion concentration.

18. Higher the hydronium _________________ concentration, _________________ is the pH value.

19. Acid rain has pH ___________________ .

20. a. If the soil is acidic it can be neutralized by adding __________________ ,
____________________ or calcium carbonate.

b If the soil is _____________________ it can be neutralized by adding dil HCl or dil HNO3 .

c. Tooth enamel is made up of ______________________________.

d. Tooth decay starts when the __________________of the mouth is lower than _________________
21. What is produced in the mouth by degradation of sugar and food particles? State the best way to prevent tooth decay.

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