Saturday 13 September 2014

control and coordination flipped notes

Class: 10    Month: June     Flipped Notes Number: 10/Sci/07/01 Subject: Biology     Chapter: 07 – Control and Coordination
Name: __________________________________
1.  What is Coordination? __________________________________________________________________
2.  Why is it necessary to have a proper system? _________________________________________________________________
3.  How is Control and coordination in animals provided? __________________________________________________________________
4.  The nerve cells have _________ at the tips. The impulses are received at __________ and then passed to the cell in the form of ________ which in turn is triggered by a chemical reaction.
5.  How do these impulses travel?
6.  What is the gap between two cells called?
7.  What constitutes the Central Nervous System?
8.  How is the brain protected?
9.  What is the function of Cerebro-spinal fluid?
10.  The brain is divided into three parts depending upon the where the inputs are received and outputs are generated. These are the _______________________, _____________________and ________________________.
11.  1) Nerves are made up of cells known as ____________.
12.  What are reflex actions? __________________________________________________________________
13.   Impulse from the _______________neuron reaches the _____________ and then through the ______________ neuron the impulses are sent to the ______________ and also to the brain.

  14.  The motor neuron triggers the _______________ muscle to take a quick action.  

Class: 10     Month: June     Flipped Notes Number: 10/Sci/07/02 Subject: Science- Biology   Chapter: 07 – Control and Coordination
Name: ____________________________________________  
1.  Plants show two different types of movement ___________________ and the other _____________________.
2.  In which example growth involved is not involved?
3.  The plants also use ______________________ means to convey this information from one cell to another cell.
4.  Which environmental factors change the directions that plant parts grow in?
5.  Most multicellular organisms use __________________ as a means of communication between the cells.
6.  Hormones are synthesized at places __________________and simply diffuse to the area of action.
 7.  What are the other examples of plant hormones?
8.  Which gland secretes this hormone?
9.  ________ regulates ______________, ___________ and ___________ metabolism in the body and provides the best balance for growth.  
10.  Deficiency of iodine in the diet leads to ______________.
11.  Deficiency of which hormone leads to Dwarfism and Gigantism?
12.  The changes associated with puberty and due secretion of the hormones ______________ in males and _____________ in females.

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