Monday 22 September 2014

Preparation guide-Communicative English

Guidelines for preparation -English Communicative
1. In comprehension section  please  write your answers in complete sentences. Only for vocabulary questions-  just the answer word can be written.
2. In writing section  prepare formats of  1. Article writing 2. Story Writing 3. Letter to editor
3.Grammar Section- Practise - editing excercises, fill up excercises, unscrambling jumbled words
4.Literature+ Helen Keller- 1. Read your chapters thoroughly. 2. Take note of all important events in Helen Keller along with character sketches and significant messages from Helen's life.

Monday 15 September 2014



          1.      State whether the given pair of linear equations are consistent or inconsistent:
a.      x + 2y = 4  and   3x - 7y =  9
b.      4x +  3y = 7 and  8x + 6y = 11

          2.      For a rectangle PQRS , D is a point on PQ such that SD makes an angle of 450 with PS.And                 PS= 15 cm, SR = 30 cm then find SD, PD and DQ.
          3. What will be the ratio of area of the triangles formed by joining mid points of the sides of the                   equilateral triangle? Prove it with the help of appropriate theorem.
          4.       Draw the graph of linear equations and find the area of region formed by
            The intersection of lines with X=0 line.
             X + Y = 8 and X- Y = 2    
           5.      Draw the graph of linear equations and find the area of the triangle   formed by them with Y-                    axis.
                  X + Y = 10 and X – Y = 4
           6.      PQR is a right angled triangle, and PRS is also a right angled triangle where 
                    Angle Q= angle R = 900    , PQ = 6cm, QR= 8cm and RS= 5√5 cm  find PS.
           7.      PQR is a right angled triangle, and PRS is also a right angled triangle where Angle Q= angle                     R = 900    then prove that PQ2 + QR2 +RS2 = PS2
           8.      A Ladder is touches the window which is at the height 20feet from the ground. If the angle                 formed by the ladder with ground is  q , tanq= 4/3 ,find the length of the ladder , the distance of             the ladder from the building and value of q.
           9.      Prove that ratio of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their altitudes.
          10.      Prove that ratio of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their sides.
          11.       Solve the following pair of equations:
                    8/x-1    +   3/y-2    = 5     and    12/x-1  +    5/y-2   =  -2

Saturday 13 September 2014

worksheet - control and cordination

Class: 10    Month: June                            Worksheet Number: 10/Sci/07/01

Subject: Biology                                             Chapter: 07 Control and Coordination


Each question carries 1 mark:

Section : Exposition

1            Name the two components of central nervous systems in humans.
2            What is meant by effectors and receptors?
3            How is the spinal cord protected in the human body?
4            What is reflex action?
5            What are spinal and cranial nerves?
6            How is brain protected in our body?

Each question carries 2 marks

8            Differentiate between sensory and motor neurons.
9            How are involuntary actions and reflex actions different from each other?
10           What happens at the synapse between two neurons?
11           How does the nervous tissue cause action?

Each question carries 3 marks:
12           Compare the nervous and hormonal systems for control and co-ordination in human
13           What is the need for a system of control & co-ordination in organisms?
14            What is the function of mid brain? Name the different parts of hind brain and give one function of each.

Section : Extended Exposition

Each question carries 2 marks:
15           Compare electrical impulse with respect to chemical impulse.
16           Which signals will get disrupted in case of a spinal cord injury?


Class: 10    Month: June                            Worksheet Number: 10/Sci/07/01

Subject: Biology                                             Chapter: 07 Control and Coordination

Each question carries 3 marks:
17           What is the function of receptors in our body? Think of situations where receptors do
not work properly. What problems are likely to arise?
18            A man becomes unconscious due to head injury. A pin is pricked on his foot, withdraws his foot. Explain why?

Section : Interpretation & Reasoning

Each question carries 1 mark:
19           A drunken person generally walks clumsily. Which part of the brain is affected by
alcohol intake?
20            A person suffered a head injury, due to which he faces breathing problem. No problem was detected with his respiratory system. What could be the cause of this problem?
21            The beating of the heart and hearing sounds are both controlled by the brain. How do these two actions vary from each other?

Each question carries 3 marks:
22           Ram has met with an accident after that he lost the capacity to
(i)walk in straight line  (ii)smell anything (iii)does not feel full after eating
Which part of brain is damaged in each case?
23           Draw a well labelled diagram of brain showing meninges, CSF, cerebrum, pituitary, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata, mid-brain.
24           What is the function of receptors in our body? Think of situation where receptors do not work properly. What are the problems likely to arise?
Section : Problem Solving

25            Draw the structure of a neuron and label the part: (i) Where information is acquired
(ii) Through which information travels as an electrical impulse-
26            You have touched a hot object; represent diagrammatically the path that leads to a response that is, quickly pulling back the hand


Subject: Biology                                             Chapter: 07 Control and Coordination



Class: 10    Month: June                            Worksheet Number: 10/Sci/07/01

Subject: Biology                                             Chapter: 07 Control and Coordination


Class: 10    Month: June                            Worksheet Number: 10/Sci/07/01

Subject: Biology                                             Chapter: 07 Control and Coordination