Thursday 29 July 2021



1.What term is used for grouping of small land holdings with bigger ones?


The term used for grouping of small land holdings with bigger ones is consolidation

of land holdings

2.What is White Revolution related to?


White Revolution is related to the production of milk. It is also called Operation Flood

3. Name the crop of which India is the largest producer and consumer.


India is the largest producer and consumer of the pulses in the world.

4. Mention the sowing period of rabi crops.


Rabi crops are sown in winter from October to December.

 3 marks questions

1.Explain rubber cultivation in India under the following heads.

(a) Importance

(b) Geographical conditions

(c) Any two rubber-producing states


-Importance: Rubber is an important industrial raw material.

- Geographical conditions: It is an equitable crop, which is grown in tropical and subtropical areas. It requires moist and humid climate with temperature above 25°C and rainfall above 200 cm.

-Two rubber-producing states: It is mainly grown in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Garo hills of Meghalaya.

2.Explain rice cultivation in India under the following heads.

(a) Temperature (b) Rainfall

(c) Agricultural season


-Temperature: Rice requires a high temperature of above 25°C.

-Rainfall: It requires high humidity with an annual rainfall above 100 cm. In the areas of less rainfall, irrigation is essential.

-Agricultural season: It is a kharif crop, which is grown with the onset of monsoon and is harvested in September-October

3.Explain any three steps taken by the central and state governments to improve

India agriculture after independence.


Various initiatives taken by the central and state governments to ensure the increase in agricultural production after independence are as follows.

 -Collectivism, consolidation of holdings, cooperation and abolition of zamindari, etc. were given priority to bring about institutional reforms in the country after independence.

- Land reforms were the main focus of the First Five Year Plan.

 The Green Revolution based on the use of package technology and the White Revolution (Operation Flood) were some of the strategies initiated to improve Indian agriculture.

 -Minimum Support Price Policy, provisions for crop insaurance, subsidy on agricultural inputs and resources such as power and fertilisers, Grameen banks, Kissan Credit Card (KCC) and Personal Accident Insurance Scheme are some of the reforms brought by the government.

Establishment of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), agricultural universities, veterinary services and animal breeding centres, horticulture development and weather forecast etc. were given priority for improving Indian agriculture.

(any three)

3.Describe any two conditions required for the cultivation of tea. Name two major tea-producing states of India.


Tea is an important beverage crop. The following are the conditions required for its cultivation.

-The tea plant grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions, which have deep, fertile and well-drained soil, rich in humus and organic matter.

-Tea bushes require warm and moist frost-free climate all through the year.

-Tea bushes require frequent showers throughout the year to ensure continuous growth of tender leaves. It needs abundant, cheap and skilled labour. (Any two)

Two major tea-producing states are Assam and West Bengal.

4.Define plantation agriculture. Explain any two characteristics of plantation agriculture.


Plantation is a type of commercial farming where a single crop is grown on a large area. The following are the four characteristics of plantation.

-Plantations have very large areas.

-Capital-intensive inputs are used.

-Migr-ant labourers are used.

-All the produce is used as raw material in respective industries.

-The development of plantations is the result of a well-developed network of transport and communication, connecting plantations to markets

(Any 2 points)

5.Explain any three characteristics of commercial farming in India.


The following are the five characteristics of commercial farming in India.

-The main characteristic of commercial farming is the use of high doses of modern inputs, like HYV seeds, chemical fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides, in order to obtain higher productivity.

-The degree of commercialisation of agriculture varies from one region to another, for example rice is a commercial crop in Punjab and Haryana but in Odisha it is a subsistence crop.

-Plantation is also a type of commercial farming where a single crop is grown on a large area.

-Plantations cover large areas using capital intensive inputs with the help of migrant labourers.

-In India tea, coffee, rubber, sugar cane and banana are important plantation crops.

( Any three)

Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks]

1.Name the two most important staple food crops in India. Mention the geographical conditions required for their growth.


The two most important staple food crops in India are rice and wheat.

*The geographical conditions required for the growth of rice are as follows.

 -It requires high temperature—above 25°C.

- It requires high humidity for its growth.

-It requires annual rainfall above 100 cm.

*The geographical conditions required for the growth of wheat arenas follows.

- It is a rabi crop and needs cool growing season.

 -It requires bright sunshine at the time of ripening.

-It also requires 50 to 70 cm of annual rainfall, well distributed over the growing season.

2.) Describe the impact of globalisation on Indian agriculture.


      The impact of globalisation on Indian agriculture has been felt since the time of colonisation. 

-In the nineteenth century, Indian spices were exported to different countries of the world and farmers of south India were encouraged to grow these crops. 

-In 1917, Indian farmers revolted in Champaran because they were forced to grow indigo on their land to supply dye to Britain's flourishing textile industry. They were unable to grow food grains to sustain their families. 

-Post liberalisation, Indian farmers have been exposed to new challenges in the form of competition from highly subsidised agriculture of developed nations.

- Despite being an important producer of rice, cotton, rubber, tea, coffee, jute and spices, our agricultural products are not able to compete with those countries.

-To make the Indian agriculture successful and profitable, proper thrust should be given to the improvement of the condition of marginal and small farmers


1.How did the partition of the country in 1947 affect the jute industry?


Partition of the country in 1947 affected the jute industry as the jute growing areas were in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) and jute mills were in India. India has to import raw jute from Bangladesh to run the jute mills. There has been gradual decline in the jute industry due to the following reasons :

(i) Decline in demand for jute products.

(ii) Old and outdated machinery.

(iii) High cost of production and stiff international competition from Bangladesh and Brazil.

(iv) Emergence of synthetic substitutes.

(v) Non-availability of labour.

2.Suggest any five measures to enhance the agricultural production in India


Agricultural is an important economic activity in our country. I would like to suggest the following measures to enhance the agricultural production in India.

-Each district and block can be made self-sufficient in agricultural production if the government provides proper agricultural infrastructure, irrigation facilities, electricity, etc.

-Loans can be provided at lower interest rates to cultivator.

-The use of latest techniques can be encouraged.

-Instead of concentrating only on rice or wheat, the food crop with a better growth potential in that particular area must be encouraged.

- attracting foreign investment in agriculture and also free trade in grains will not only increase agricultural production, but will also create massive employment and reduce poverty in rural areas.

-Farmers should diversify their cropping pattern from cereals to high-value crops.


1.The land under cultivation has got reduced day by day. Can you imagine its consequences?


India shall no longer be self-sufficient in its requirements of food grains.

Landless labourers will outweigh the ranks of unskilled – unemployed workers in India.

More farmers will switch over to cultivation of high value crops.

Tuesday 20 July 2021



                                        6. chacun a ses goûts

Grammaire – Les pronoms démonstratifs – they avoid the repetion of the same noun in a sentence. They can be translated as  ‘this one/this/that/these ones/the one/the ones.

They can be used while comparing two similar things so many times comparatif sentence is used.

                                Les Formes Simples

1)    Celui – for masc.sing. noun

e.g. Le bureau de mon mari est plus loin que celui de mon frère. (The office of my husband is farther than that of my brother.

2)    Celle – for fem.sing. noun

e.g. La femme que tu va épouser est celle qui a deux enfants. (The woman to whom you are going to get married is the one who has two children.)

3)    Ceux – for masc.plural noun

e.g. Je n’aime pas ce type de films, j’aime ceux d’aventure. (I don’t like these type of films, I like the ones of adventure.)

4)    Celles – for fem.sing. noun

e.g.Les robes de Rosie sont plus jolies que celles de Pauline.

         Les formes Composés

1)    Celui-ci – this one                                  celui-là – that one

2)    Celle-ci – this one                                   celle-là – that one

3)    Ceux-ci – these ones                             ceux-là – those ones

4)    Celles-ci – these ones                            celles-là – those ones

Remember the following

1)    When there is a RELATIVE PRONOUN or a PREPOSITION after the blank, useLes formes simples. (celui/celle/ceux/celles)

2)    When there is a VERB after the blank, use les formes composés)

3)    When the blank is AT THE END OF THE SENTENCE use les formes composés.

4)    With les formes composés two types of sentences can be framed.

a)     Cette église-ci est plus grande que celle-là.

b)    Il y a deux livres. Celui-ci est plus gros que celui-là.

c)     Il y a trois livres. Ceux-ci sont plus gros que celui-là.

    Les Formes Neutre

They are used when you point out something but you don’t name it specifically. They represent indefinite idea or thing.

1)    Ceci – this

Ne mange pas ceci! – (don’t eat this)

2)    Cela – that - indicates the object at a distance.

Donne – moi cela! – (give me that)

3)    Ça – that (used in oral french)

Ça me plaît – (It/That pleases me)

4)    Ce/c’- this/that used with être conjugation

C’est mon ami. – (This is my friend.)

Ce sont mes livres. (these are my books.)

5)    Ce is also used when there is a relative pronoun after the blank.

e.g. c’est tout ce qui me reste. (That’s all that I have)



Avoir envie de/ça te dit de + infinitif – to feel like doing

Conjugation of peindre – to paint

Je peins

Tu peins

Il/elle/on peint

Nous peignons

Vous peignez

Ils/elles peignent

Culture and civilization –

·       Faire du jardinage/ cultiver le jardin

1)    Semer les grains des fleurs – to sow the seeds

2)    Planter des bulbes – to plant the bulbs

3)    Tailler les rosiers – to shape the rose plants

4)    Arroser le jardin – to water the garden

·       Information of Le Louvre –

Autrefois le palais de rois, le château médieval

Maintenant le musée depuis deux siècles

L’histoire plus de 800 ans

Installé sur 40 hectares en plein cœur de Paris sur la rive droite de la Seine

L’un des plus grands musées du monde et le plus grand de Paris

Environ 6000 peintures des artistes comme Renoir, Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci

Une grande pyramide aucentre de la  cour Napoléon architect – Sino américain – leoh Ming Pei

Environ 9 millions visiteurs par an

·       Les tâches ménagères

Faire la cuisine – to do cooking

Faire de la lessive – to do washing

Faire la vaisselle – to wash utensils

Faire les courses – to do shopping

Faire le ménage – to do household work

·       Être débarrasser de  - to get rid of

·       Se détendre – to relax

·       Les loisirs pour se détendre


      Chez lui/ à la maison

Aller au cinéma

Faire la lecture – to do reading

Aller au théâtre

Ecouter de la musique

Visiter un musée

Regarder un film/ la télévision

Faire du sport

Jouer de la musique

Regarder un spectacle

Faire le jardinage

·       Le théâtre - où l’on représante une pièce

·       Le cinéma – une salle où l’on projette un film



5. Les Médias

Grammaire –

                                          Le pronom ‘en’

1.     It is used to replace nouns with partitive articles.

e.g. Il mange des escargots. – Il en mange. (he eats it.)

        Elle boit du lait. ----------- Elle en boit. (She drinks it)

2.     It is used to replace number adjectives.

e.g. J’ai quatre stylos. ----- J’en ai. (I have them/it.)

3.     It is used to replace nouns with les adjectifs de quantité

e.g. Tu prends beaucoup de vin.

Tu en prends beaucoup. ( you drink it a lot)

4.      It is used to replace ‘de/d’/du/des/de la + name of a place/city/country’

e.g. Ils viennent des Etats- Unis. --- Ils en viennent.

        Je viens de la piscine.  ------ J’en viens.

5.     In negation --- Il n’en mange pas.

                          Elle n’en boit pas.

                          Je n’en ai pas.

                           Tu n’en prends pas beaucoup.

                            Je n’en viens pas.

                              Le pronom ‘y’

1.     It is used to replace à/sur/chez/dans/sous (preposition of place) + the name of a place

e.g. Il va à l’école.   ----Il y va.

        Je vais chez lui. ---- J’y vais.

2.     It is used to replace preposition à + noun

e.g. Tu penses à tes examens. ----- Tu y penses.


Culture and civilization

·        Zapper – passer d’une chaîne d’autre de la télévision

·        Names of TV chanels – TV5 – les informations

                                           ARTE –le reportage culturel

                                           Canal+ - les sports/ les films etc.

                                           France 2, TF1, Paris Première

·        Radio stations in France – Europe 1, RF1, France Musique Radio

·        Un journal – un quotidien (daily) – publié tous les jours e.g. Le Monde, Le Figaro, The Times of India

·        Un Hebdomadaire – publié par semaine – e.g. l’Express

·        Un mensuel – publié par mois – e.g. Readers’ Digest

·        L’hebdomadire and le mensuel are also known as magazines, the difference is in their publishing times.

·        Une revue -  review –e.g. Le français dans le monde
