Thursday 7 May 2015

extra questions asked in board exams from chap life processes for self study

                      self study material- not  write in note book

A)Very short answer type questions.( 1 marks)

1.    Define nutrition
2.    Name the raw material needed for photosynthesis
3.    What type of nutrition is exhibited by bacteria and fungi?
4.    What is inhalation?
5.    Name the carrier of oxygen in the blood of human beings?
6.    Name the respiratory organs of earthworm ,prawn and cockroach?
7.    What do you mean by nutrients?
8.    How many lobes are present in the left lode of the human lungs
9.    How many molecules of oxygen can a single molecule of hemoglobin carry at a time?
10.           Define photosynthesis
11.           Which constituent is digested in the mouth cavity of man?
12.           After a vigorous exercise, you may experience cramps in your leg muscles. Why does this happen? (cbse sample paper 2009

13.           Which organ secretes a hormone when the blood sugar level rises. Name a digestive enzyme released by this organ. (cbse sample paper 2009)
14.           Write one feature which is common to each of the following pair of terms/organs
(a) glycogen and starch     (b) chlorophyll and hemoglobin (cbse sample paper 2009)
15.           In which part of the body are the loop of Henle found
16.           Name the tissue in the plant which transport
(a) Food
(b) Water and mineral
17.           Define excretion
18.           Mention the function of urinary bladder
19.           Name the valve present between right auricle and right ventricle.
20.           What should be the ideal blood pressure for a adult human being
21.           Mention the function of blood platelets in human beings.
22.           Name four chambers of human heart
23.           What is the function of hemoglobin
24.           Define transpiration
25.           Write one function which is common to each of the following pairs of terms/organs
(a) Gills and lungs           (b) arteries and vein

B)   2 marks questions

1.    What is fermentation?
2.    From where does a parasite obtain its food
3.    What is the role of pepsin in digestion process?
4.    Differentiate between breathing and respiration?
               5.    Give the steps involved in photosynthesis.
6.    Write the important function of liver.
7.    Why does raw bred taste sweet when it is chewed for a while?
8.    What is the role of hydrochloric acid during the process of digestion in stomach?
9.    Name the different modes of respiration in frog
10.                       How many energy molecules are produced during glycolysis?

11.                       What is the function of glomerulus?
12.                       What do you mean by systolic and diastolic blood pressure
13.                       How does transpiration pull help in ascent of sap?
14.                       Mention two imp functions performed by human kidney
15.                       What is pericardium? mention the function of pericardial fluid
16.                       What is the role of water during transpiration?
17.                       What do you mean by lenticular transpiration?
18.                       Name the components of human circulatory system
19.                       What do the following transport
(a) Xylem
(b) Phloem
(c)  Pulmonary vein
(d) Vena cava

20.                       What is the route of water during transpiration

C)   3 marks question
  1. .       Describe the mechanism of food digestion in the human stomach.
  2. .    Mention the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
  3. .    Why is food necessary for us?
  4.    What is the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition?
  5. .    Mention the condition necessary for photosynthesis.
  6. .    Describe the process of digestion in the small intestine of man.
  7.     Describe the mechanism of oxygen transport in human blood.
  8.     Mention the different ways of exchange of gases in animals.
  9.     Name the enzymes present in the pancreatic juice and mention their digestive role.
  10.                        How is digested food absorbed in the intestine of man?
  11.                       Mention the difference between arteries and veins
  12.                       What will happen if both the kidneys stop functioning?
  13.                       What are blood capillaries? How is it structurally different from arteries?
  14.                       Mention the blood vessel which bring blood to the heart and the vessel which takes blood away from the heart
  15.                      Mention the advantage of separation of  oxygenated and non oxygenated blood
  16.                     Mention the difference between RBC and WBC
  17.                     How does blood platelets help in clotting of blood
  18.                     What is glomerular filtration? describe its mechanism
  19.                     Name the composition of blood plasma 
  20.                    Draw the labeled diagram of phloem tissue

D)            5 marks question
  1.   Describe the mechanism of breathing in human beings.
  2.   Mention the characteristic features of living beings which differentiate them from nonliving things.
  3.   Describe the different forms of heterotrophic nutrition, giving examples.
  4.   Name the digestive gland found in human beings. Mention their functions.
  5.   Explain the process of nutrition in amoeba
  6.   Explain the mechanism of photosynthesis
  7.   Name the different parts of alimentary canal of human beings.
  8.   What are the characteristics of a good respiratory surface?
  9.   Describe the mechanism of anaerobic respiration.
  10.  What is lymphatic system? Mention the functions of 
  11.   Differentiate between lymph and blood
  12. What do you mean by haemodialysis? How is it carried out and under what conditions?
  13. Describe the flow of blood during double circulation in the human heart
  14. How is urine formed in human beings? Mention the composition of human urine
  15. Describe the internal structure of human heart
  16. Describe the mechanism of water absorbtion in plants
  17.  What do you mean by ascent of sap? Describe the mechanism of transport of water and minerals in the plants
  18.   Mention the composition and function of blood plasm(a) Draw the diagram of heart and label its four chambers (b)construct a table to show the functions of these four chamber
  19. Plants absorb water from the soil. How does this water reach the treetops? Explain in detail
  20. (i) Draw a neat diagram of an excretory unit of a human kidney and label the following parts(a) Bowman’s capsule(b) Renal artery(c) Glomerulus(d) Collecting duct(ii) give one adventange of having a large number of these highly coiled structures in our kidney(iii) mention any two substances which are selectively reabsorbed as the filtrate flow along the tubular part of this unit.

1 comment:

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