Thursday 15 May 2014

questions asked in board exams from life processes.

Questions for board exams.

1.    Name the site of photosynthesis. (CBSE 2004 )
2.    Biological reactions in our body depends on the presence of biocatalysts. What name is given to these catalysts? How is the activity influenced by the changes in temperature?(CBSE 2005)
3.    Write a note on nutrition in fungi. (CBSE 2005 comptt)
4.    What is breathing? (CBSE 2006 )
5.    How do autotrophs obtain Carbon dioxide and nitrogen to make their food? (CBSE 2008)
6.    What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food? (CBSE 2008 comptt )
7.    What is the role of the acid in our stomach?(CBSE2008 comptt )
8.    State the function of digestive enzyme (CBSE 2008 comptt )
9.    Name the two ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various organisms. (CBSE 2008 comptt )
10.           What advantage over an aquatic organism does a terrestrial organism with regards to obtaining oxygen for respiration? (CBSE 2008 comptt )
11.           Where do plants get each of the raw materials required for photosynthesis? (CBSE 2008 comptt )
12.           Name the green dot like structure in some cells observed by student when a leaf peel was viewed under a microscope. What is this green colour due to? (CBSE 2010 )
13.           State the basic difference between the process of respiration and photosynthesis. (CBSE 2010 )
14.           Name the intermediate and the end products of glucose breakdown in aerobic respiration. (CBSE 2010 )
15.           Name the largest artery in the human body. (CBSE 2005 comptt)
16.           Name the type of blood vessel which carry blood from organ to the heart. (CBSE 2006 )
17.           Name a part of the human body which is  a part of the excretory system. (CBSE 2006 comptt)
18.           Name the term for transport of food from leaves to other parts of the plant. (CBSE 2007 )
19.           Name the excretory unit in kidney. (CBSE 2007)
20.           What process in plant is known as transpiration(CBSE 2008 )
21.           Name the tissue which transport soluble product of photosynthesis in a plant. (CBSE 2008 )
22.           Name the tissue which transport water and mineral in the plant(CBSE 2008)
23.           What will happen to the plant if xylem is removed. (CBSE 2009)


B. 2 marks Questions
1. Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with Vaseline to block stomata. Will this plant remain healthy for long? State three reasons for your answer.(CBSE 2004)
2. Write any two functions of pancreases. (CBSE 2005)
3. List 3 points of difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (CBSE 2005 comptt.)
4. How does absorption takes place in the small intestine of humans. (CBSE 2005)
5. Draw the diagram of the cross section of leaf and label the following in it.
Chloroplast (b) guard cells. (c) lower epidermis (d) upper epidermis     (CBSE 2006)
6. Write the functions of the following in the digestive process
(a)        Bile
(b)        Pancreatic amylase                (CBSE 2006)
7. Differentiate between excretion and osmoregulation. (CBSE 2005.)
8. Name three different kinds of blood vessel and write the function of each. (CBSE 2005 comptt.)
9. State the two vital functions of human kidney. Name the procedure used in the working of artificial kidney. (CBSE 2007.)
10.                  Point out two difference between arteries and vein (CBSE 2007.)
11.                  What do you mean by double circulation of blood. (CBSE 2007.)
12.                  Write one functions each of the following components of the transport system in human beings. ( i) blood vessesls (ii) blood platelets (iii) lymph (iv) heart (CBSE 2008.)

3 marks question
1. Give reason for the following
(a)        The glottis is guarded by epiglottis
(b)        The lung alveoli are covered with blood capillaries
(c)         The wall of trachea is supported by cartilage rings                            (CBSE 2006)
2. Label parts of human respiratory system(CBSE 2006 comptt)
3. State the role of following in the human respiratory system
(a)Nasal cavity (b) diaphragm (c) Alveoli (CBSE 2006 comptt)

(d)        How are oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings? How are lungs designed to maximize the area for exchange of gases? (CBSE 2008)
(e)        Write 3 points of difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (CBSE 2008)
4. (i) Name any two different ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various organisms.
(ii)write any two difference between the two ways of oxidation of glucose in organisms.
5. With the help of a diagram describe the process of urine formation in nephron of human kidney. (CBSE 2004)
6. Write the important functions of blood. (CBSE 2004)
7. What is translocation? Why is it essential for plants? Where in plants are the following synthesized. A. sugars. B. hormones. (CBSE 2005)
8. Name the constituents of blood. Why are white blood corpusles called soldiers of the body. (CBSE 2005)
9. What happens to glucose, which enters the nephron along with filtrate during excretion in human beings? State two vital functions of human kidney? (CBSE 2005 comptt)
10.                  What is double circulation in human beings? Why is it necessary? (CBSE 2008 comptt)

5     marks questions
1. Name the main organs of human digestive system in order in which they are involved in digesting what steps and how does digestion or carbohydrates and proteins take place in our body? List 3 points of difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (CBSE 2004)
2. Explain the process of photosynthesis in plants. List 4 factors which influence this process and describe how each of them affects the rate of photosynthesis process. List 3 points of difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (CBSE 2005.)
3. Define the terms nutrition and nutrients. list  two difference between holozoic nutrition and saprophytic nutrition. Give two examples of each type of nutrition. (CBSE 2005.)
4. Explain the process of food digestion in alimentary canal. (CBSE 2006 comptt.)
5. Explain the role of different digestive glands used in human digestive system. (CBSE 2006.)
6. Take 1 ml starch solution in two test tubes A and B. add 1 ml saliva to test tube A and leave both test tubes undistributed for half an hour. Now add a few drops of iodine solution to the test tubes. On the basis of observation, answer the following questions:
a.  In which test tube do you observe a color change?
b. What does this indicate about the presence or absence of starch in the action of saliva on starch? (CBSE 2007.)
7. Draw a diagram of human alimentary canal. Label the following on the diagram  oesophagus, liver, gall bladder, large intestine.
           What is the function of liver in the human body            (CBSE 2007.)

8. Draw a diagram of human alimentary canal. Explain the function of liver and pancreas. Name the organ that perform following function in humans (i) absorbtion of digested food. (ii) absorbtion of water. (CBSE 2008.)
9. Draw a diagram of human alimentary canal. Label the following on the diagram  oesophagus, liver, gall bladder, pancreas
B. explain the statement bile does not contain any enzyme but it is essential for digestion. (CBSE 2009.)

10.         Explain the process of digestion of food in mouth, stomach, and small intestine in human body or (a) list the three events that occur during the process of photosynthesis. Explain the role of stomata in the process. (b) describe an experiment to show that sunlight is essential for photosynthesis. (CBSE 2010.)
11.         Draw neat and label diagram of human respiratory system. Explain in brief the role of lungs in exchange of gases. (CBSE 2010.)
12.         Name the blood vessel that brings  oxygenated blood to the human heart. Which chamber of the human heart receives oxygenated blood. explain how oxygenated blood from this chamber is sent to all parts of the body. (CBSE 2004)
13.         Draw a diagram of human urinary system and label in it kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra. And name the two major components of human urine. (CBSE 2006)
14.         What is blood transfusion? What could be the consequence if proper matching of blood is not done during transfusion? Give the reason of such a consequence. (CBSE 2006 comptt)
15.         How does blood circulate between lungs and heart in human beings? Give two functions of lymph in the human body. (CBSE 2006 comptt)
16.         Draw a sectional view of human heart and label on it   Aorta, right ventrical and pulmonary vein. (b) state the function of blood and lymph in circulatory system (CBSE 2008)
17.         Draw a diagram of excretory system of human being and label on it aorta, vena cava, urinary bladder and urethra. List two vital functions of kidney. (CBSE 2008)
18.         Draw a neat labeled diagram of human excretory system and describe in brief the function of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. (CBSE 2010)

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