Wednesday 23 April 2014


(Question Bank)
Very Short Answers (1 Mark)
1. What is a good source of energy.
2. Expand CNG and LPG
3. What is the minimum wind velocity required to obtain useful   energy with a wind mill?
4. Name the main constituent of biogas.
5. Give two examples of fossil fuels
6. Name the device which directly converts solar energy into electric energy.
7. What does “OTEC” stand for?
8. What is nuclear energy?
9. Which one out of these is renewable source of energy solar energy, coal, petroleum, bio gas.
10. Which source of energy would you use to heat your food and why?

Short Answers (2 or 3Marks)

1. State two disadvantages of using fossil fuels as a source of energy.
2. Write two disadvantages of constructing high rising dams.
3. Give (i) two limitations and (ii) two advantages of wind mill.
4. Name any three forms of energy of the oceans which can be converted into usable energy forms. Describes how it is done in each case.
5. Explain the working of biogas plant with the help of labelled diagram
6. Explain the principle on which the solar cooker works.
7. Write the advantages and disadvantages of using a solar cooker.
8. How does hydro electric power plant operate? Draw diagram

Long Answer Type Questions (5 Marks)

1. (a) Why is the solar cooker box covered with plane glass plate?
(b) Why is nuclear fission reaction considered better.
(c) Use of wood as a domestic fuel is not considered as good. State two reasons for it
2. Distinguish between renewable and non renewable sources of energy? Which one of them you consider as better? Why?

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